Digital Executive Forum

Build Your Digital Literacy

“You can’t delegate Digital transformation for your company… You and your executives have to own it. Executives need to engage, embrace and adopt new ways of working with the latest and emerging technologies.” - Barry Ross, Ross & Ross International

In today's world, CXOs need to be digitally literate to stay on top of industry trends and lead their team to growth. In this course, you will learn from peers who successfully transformed their organizations,, and be able to better understand what technology can do for your business so that you can make informed decisions on your digital strategy. You will work with world-class mentors, and be inspired by industry-specific case studies which focus on reforming existing customer journeys, and designing, building and scaling new digital offerings and ventures.

Why should you attend?

Connect and Share Ideas

Connect with peers facing challenges associated with Digital Transformation and Innovation. Learn together to use technology to conquer your Digital Transformation.

Understand and Integrate Core Concepts

Experience how integrating Design Thinking, Agile and Lean Experimentation helps progressive companies build superb Digital experiences, products and ventures.

Change Your Mindset

This course offers CXOs the opportunity to expand perspectives and reframe thinking on vital technologies and topics including Digital Transformation, Pragmatic & Ethical AI, Blockchain, and much more.

What will you learn?

We offer 3 types of events:

Tech Deep Dive

Learning Expeditions

InnoVentures Projects

Frequently asked questions

How can I attend the Digital Executive Forum?

Are learning sessions done in-person or remotely?

How long does a typical Digital Executives Forum event run?

What does a typical Digital Executives Forum event entail?

How can we apply the learnings from the Digital Executive Forum to our business context?

You're In Good Company

What do previous attendees say?

  • Naresh Bangia

    Naresh Bangia

    CEO, AJB Software Design

    Strategy deployment and executive coaching provide a stable foundation and fertile environment for innovation. Our Lean Digital transformation resulted in breakthrough results. Within two years, our growth rate doubled and employee Job satisfaction increased by 20%. Strengthening our Payment gateway and switching solutions have enabled us to secure a successful acquisition by Verifone holdings.

  • Yvon Charest

    Yvon Charest

    CEO, IA Financial Group

    Strategy deployment and executive coaching provide a stable foundation and fertile environment for innovation.

  • Brad Parsons

    Brad Parsons

    CEO, Baptist Memphis Hospital

    Our Strategy Lighthouse and management system are our company’s nervous system. Executive coaching helps sustain our improvements.

  • Harry Sideris

    Harry Sideris

    President, Duke Distribution

    The Digital Strategy Compass provides us with clear bearings. The Lighthouse helps us avoid reefs: we can now surface & solve problems, share learning and act together, much quicker. Executive coaching helps sustain our improvements.

  • Harry Zechman

    Harry Zechman

    COO, Stoner Solutions

    Our Digital Strategy Compass, Transformation Lighthouse and management system has helped us survive the pandemic and pivot smartly to e-commerce.

Meet our subject matter experts

Pascal Dennis

Pascal Dennis

Co-founder, North America

Strategy Execution. Pragmatic Innovation.

Laurent Simon

Laurent Simon

Co-founder, Asia-Pacific

Strategy Execution. Pragmatic Innovation.

Other courses you may find beneficial

Transformation Lighthouse

Execution entails adjusting to fluid situations in real-time, but first, you have to see and understand what’s happening. A Transformation Lighthouse, also known as ‘Command Center’, Ground Control’ or Obeya, helps us see, know, and act together.

Executive Coaching

Senior leaders who have absorbed the Innovation mindset and skillset are primed to lead by example. Our program comprises Exec Development 101 - Protect Your Core Business; 201 - Ignite New Growth; and 301 - our Executive Digital Forum program