Building products people want with Story Mapping + Scrum

Practical insights on how to combine Story Mapping and Scrum + walk away with own Agile starter toolkit provided by Coach Takeshi!

About this event

Join this exhilarating 90′ session to:

  • Learn how to effectively combine Story mapping and Scrum [the most popular approach to implement Agile]
  • Walk away with your own Agile starter kit [and some bonus freebies]


  • 18.30-19:00 | Registration and networking
  • 19:00-20:00 | Lessons from the trenches of Scrum
    • Coach Takeshi’s approach is learning by doing (experiential learning). Lecturing will be kept to a minimum and there will be games and activities to experience what it’s like to work in an Agile way.
  • 20:00-20:30 | Discussion with audience (Q&A)
  • 20:30-21:00 | Networking around nice food and beverages.

Note on ‘How we like to run our events’

Our events focus on deep content sharing and intimacy, rather than on broad coverage in a massive group size. Due to the confidentiality of some exchanges, there will be no media / press coverage.

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