Digital Executive Forum

Build your Digital literacy. Experience industry-specific use cases. Make informed investment decisions.

Understanding what disruptive Technologies can do for your business

Learn from peers who have successfully transformed their organizations.
Understand what technology can do for your business and make prudent decisions

Experience industry-specific use cases including:

  • Customer journey reform through Lean processing and Smart Automation
  • Designing, building and scaling new Digital offerings and Ventures

Core topics

The Digital Executive Forum offers CXOs the opportunity to expand perspectives and reframe thinking on vital technologies and topics including:


Digital Transformation


Pragmatic & Ethical AI


Open Banking


Future of work


Agile ways of working








Corporate innovation




Wealth Mgt



Four types of interventions

Ecosystem meetups

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with peers facing challenges associated with Digital Transformation and Innovation.

Tech Deep Dives

that provide Executives with a practical understanding of Data Analytics, AI, BlockChain, IoT, Business Agility, Cloud-enabled Innovation and Lean experimentation. Get inspired. Understand the art of the possible. Learn how to turn threats into opportunities.


with peers facing challenges associated with Digital Transformation and Innovation.

Learning Expeditions

that help Executives explore prominent Tech ecosystems in Singapore, Tokyo, San Francisco, and Toronto. Learning Expeditions can last up to 1 week. Learn how to apply your learnings to your business context.


lessons learned from real-life use cases and leading practices, that help de-risk Technology enabled-innovation initiatives.

InnoVentures projects

that help Executives accelerate innovation through Startup competitions, Hackathons or partnerships leading to effective commercial pilots. Understand what it takes to build exceptional Digital Experiences, Products and Ventures and commercialize Digital Innovation faster.


how integrating Design Thinking, Agile and Lean Experimentation helps progressive companies build superb Digital experiences, products and ventures.

We emphasize high-value, focused content and shared experiences, rather than broad-brush content and large groups. Each event entails Tech deep dives and peer-to-peer interaction, complemented by presentations from participants and selected experts.

Participants Profile

Senior executives who seek to understand how to Harness Digital Disruption, in order

  1. to Protect their core-business
  2. to Ignite new sources of growth

Our Digital Executive Forum connects traditional organizations seeking to reinvent themselves with Tech Innovators, Investors, Incubators, Regulators and Academia.

Upcoming & past events

Practical matters

Are learning sessions done in-person or remotely?

How long does a typical Digital Executives Forum event run?

What does a typical Digital Executives Forum event entail?

How can we apply the learnings from the Digital Executive Forum to our business context?

What is your relationship with INSEAD business school?

You’re in good company

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation

Find out more about how we help de-risk Digital Transformation

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